Comment 36109

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted December 07, 2009 at 20:07:29

Most basic grocery items, child care services, diapers, etc. are going to be exempted from the HST, so it shouldn't unduly impact those whose purchases are primarily essential ones.

The HST does matter, but mostly to members of the middle class.

Consider that it will now cost about $1500 more to buy a home because of an increase in tax on legal fees, real estate commissions, appraisals, etc.

If you're buying a home worth more than $400,000, you'll pay 13% on any amount above that threshold.

It will also cost as much as $500 more per year to maintain a home because utilities and other services will now be subject to the increased rate.

Most of the advantages associated with the HST will accrue to businesses only.

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