Comment 36052

By Bovine feces (anonymous) | Posted December 07, 2009 at 03:22:14

anonymous, that's a load of crap.

First off, unless this business you allegedly own is in some particularly narrow corner of the economy, the vast majority of these products that you, ahem, sell are already subject to 5+8 taxation. Yes, there are a few random products out there that are subject to PST-only that will have to move to both. Fine. After someone rings them in they'll come up 8% higher.

But seriously, your "clients" are going to demand you cut prices at your alleged store by 8% to compensate? You won't be able to "keep them happy" otherwise? What a load. Every store in Ontario is subject to this. Everyone knows that the increased final number on the receipt will be because of money going to the government, not you.

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