Comment 36008

By Really? (registered) | Posted December 03, 2009 at 17:20:45

Listerine> "You're just a bucket of smiles, aren't you. Why do you have to be negative about everything?"

Not everything, just stuff this City can't get right... oh wait, I guess that IS everythng!?

Seriously though, it's because the Lister SHOULD HAVE been turned into residential condo/lofts with a Grocery Store on street-level. Two things Downtown Hamilton DESPERATELY NEEDS (permanent residents with a disposable income & a place to buy food 7 days a week, past 5pm).

What we got? A 9-5 Public Works Agency (Public Health), who will be moved out of the Right House (leaving IT to rot), and be put in an Historic building no one will appreciate. There will be a coffee shop in one of the old retail fronts though... sweet! <-- sarcasm

So, not only did the City/Tax Payers get royaly screwed on the lease agreement, but all we're getting out of it is a group of Nine-to-Fivers, who already work in the Downtown (The Right House), who will in no way impact the Downtown Economy.

Everyone keeps saying that renovating Lister is the 'turning point towards a better downtown', when in reality (logically), nothing will change, besides maybe a rotting Right House. Everyone will look at Lister's lack of stimulus and say, "See... building new WOULD have been better!"

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