Comment 35914

By madmatt (anonymous) | Posted December 01, 2009 at 09:25:26

My wife and I purchased our home 20 yrs ago. We are literally 100' away from this block of land. Over the decades it has sat empty or used only for storage of barrels of ????. The old building that was also mostly vacant was recently demolished (no more mysterious odors of varnish/turpentine since). We have seen numerous letters regarding zoning change bylaws, but very little action. I don't want more parking lots, however I really don't want vacant, barren brown fields which serve only as congregation points for junkies, prostitutes and other assorted vagrants. Most of the people in our area are home owners or long term tenants and feel the same way. The main block to development of this area is the homeless shelter on Ferguson Ave. N. Until it is gone NO ONE would want to develop this site. The townhouse/apartment complex in which this shelter is located is a RESIDENTIAL area with people trying to raise their families. The city has done a great job streetscaping Ferguson and the completion of the bridge is the icing on the cake. The hospital has also done a fantastic job on the new buildings and generally cleaning up the area. Those new parking lots are a far cry better than the vacant factories which were routinely a favorite site for arsonists and other useless bastards. I would much rather see real residential and retail development, but clean, new parking lots are far and above what we currently have. MOVE THE SHELTER TO ANCASTER so they can have their fair share of city services!!!!!

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