Comment 35909

By woody10 (registered) | Posted December 01, 2009 at 02:49:59

I disagree BTR, I believe the legacy will be truly wonderful. Guarantee a Grey Cup or two in the next ten years plus maybe some international track and field events. And (hopefully) if they build it at Rheem, one less giant eyesore. I know people who live near that area and are overjoyed that we got the games and their area will get cleaned up.

And, I'm looking into it, but I believe the Cats are paying back these days, not asking for more. Maybe, just maybe, if you people who watch the NFL over the CFL ever went to a few games, you would realize how much it means to this city, and this country. 6.1 million viewers on TSN for the Grey Cup and at one point 14 million, almost half the population!

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