Comment 35884

By Tammany (anonymous) | Posted November 30, 2009 at 12:25:57

The report states: "Virtually all goods in Hamilton are delivered by truck. Good movement is thus key to the city's economy."

Sure at some point in the supply chain most (and maybe, yes, virtually all) goods are transported by truck. But, as Jason correctly notes, most businesses are not receiving - or, in the alternative, need not receive - shipments via mega transport trucks. The city's economy does need trucks in order to function, yes, but the case simply isn't made out to support the proposition that it needs the continued free flow of huge semis through the core in order to thrive.

What about restricting core access to mid-sized Hino or Mitsubishi type cab-over trucks? These are mostly what you see on the streets of genuinely thriving cities like Toronto or Manhattan, not massive semis slamming down the street pulling two trailers full of scrap metal or steel roll.

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