Comment 35588

By Barney Google (anonymous) | Posted November 19, 2009 at 15:46:18

I can't point you to any specific studies, but I believe some must exist that have examined the benefits and drawbacks to limited road access to residential neighbourhoods. Over the past half century urban neighbourhoods such as the Buchanan Park area south of Mohawk College in Hamilton, have been built with curving crescents and cul de sacs and only three or four access points from urban arteries, all limiting automotive traffic through residential communities. Additional pedestrian access has been provided through parks and with walkways between houses, etc.

Yet many older neighbourhoods still provide automotive shortcuts to clogged arteries as a result of their old, grid designs. Toronto has tried to slow traffic off arteries and commercial routes with one-way access and speed bumps, but I've often wondered why many grid streets can't simply be closed to direct artery access, leaving walkways open for pedestrians, bikes, scooters, roller blades, etc. Some crecents and cul de sacs could also be created by blocking steets inside such neighbourhoods. In some cases road ends could be redeveloped as commercial or residential building lots, while others might become parkettes, both enhancing urban density and liveability while quieting local traffic. The benefits of such changes might be measured against studies of existing but newer communities.

Not sure this is what you're after, however. Appeals to me though.

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