Comment 35480

By woody10 (registered) | Posted November 15, 2009 at 10:17:50

Well Grassroots, It seems to be busier at the games these days than it was when I was younger so.. And hopefully today it will be full ( Go Cats Go).

Homelessness increases when there are less jobs etc. Even if the area creates temporary construction jobs (for at least 3 years) and only maybe 100 (minimum I would think) full time area jobs. Is this not better than having a run down brownfield that employs no one?? And I don't close my eyes, I go with my kids every year and donate to the foodbank etc. The more we can build the city up, the more jobs, the less poverty etc. Maybe you should be more concerned with the corruption of city hall or the Provincial government and the HST. These things will cost more than anything the Pan Am Games will.

What would you like to see built with taxpayers money anyway?? 100 homeless shelters and more foodbanks?? Why not, then all the homeless and poor will congregate in our city and then we can ask the bigger governments for more handouts because we will be an impoverished city. The key is to enable people isn't it?

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