Comment 35305

By jason (registered) | Posted November 12, 2009 at 09:26:57

I really appreciate all the hard work that Hamilton Light Rail has done in this, I just hope that the next 3 years isn't spent being used by local media to bump ratings by having these staged debates. HLR has done great at educating all the powerbrokers in this city that LRT is absolutely all about business. More business, better business, higher profits in business etc..... Be careful that the media doesn't corner you into a debate where LRT is painted as being anti-business.

I'm still perplexed at the Little Ceasars owner on King at Wentworth complaining that folks will only be able to access his property from one direction. That's how it's been for 50 years. What will change for him is the fact that King and Wentworth will have a light rail stop and thousands of people a day will be dropped off at his doorstep. People=customers=money=good business. Cars speeding by to the Meadowlands aren't helping his business one bit.

Finally, I'd dare any local businessman or politician to keep a straight face and tell us that business is booming on King and Main though the entire lower city and that we should maintain the status quo because 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. Anyone with eyesight can see that it is broken. Severely broken.

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