Comment 35300

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 11, 2009 at 20:07:54

Kenosha Wisconsin: Streetcars installed in 2000. Little Rock: streetcars installed in 2004 and expanded in 2005 due to success. Tamps: streetcarrs installed in 2002

While you cherry picked three examples of "old fashioned" streetcars from the list of recent LRT installations, what you fail to understand is that these are still "modern streetcars" that have simply been built in old fashioned (replica) STYLE. They share more with LRT than they do with older streetcar system in terms of functionality and service. These are not your grandpa's trams.

Not to mention that you cannot imply that Boston's population declined exclusively (nor primarily, nor even partially) due to a failure of their older streetcar systems simply because the population declined during the time that the streetcars were in operation. Not that you'll ever understand why( On the other hand, the successes of recent LRT installations is demonstrable using correct logic!

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