Comment 35194

By JM (registered) | Posted November 09, 2009 at 13:13:53

We already have a large park in the Urban Core of the City..... GAGE PARK. Its not right downtown, but its not far from it...

And as for charette work yea it has already been done, and the Citys Downtown Secondary Plan already illustrates the vision for everything being talked about above. It just needs to be IMPLEMENTED! That's the tough part....

We just need to stop wasting money on creating more plans - which won't change anything, but rather direct it towards the implementation (i.e. partnerships and such). Again, the City is already doing this.... it takes time, and gets a lot done on the existing fabric. The issue is attracting a single developer to buy a large block, which is seen as a big risk down here.... But it would be a big step!

If only i had the money...

Cheers JM

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