Comment 35024

By Really? (registered) | Posted October 28, 2009 at 17:05:47

^^ I agree, sadly.

It's clearly obvious that the NHL wants NOTHING to do with Hamilton. Again, Bill Daly (Bettman's Ass): "Daly said the league message to Hamilton hockey fans is a simple one: "We admire and respect their passion for the sport and maybe at some point in the future they will have their own franchise." "

Who would say no to: -An undeniably lucrative market; -An Internationally-Known Billionaire Owner (also a single owner, as opposed to the issues that could arise from a Onership Group); -Concessions Concessions Concessions (this guy was willing to bend over for a LOT)?

There are a lot of backroom dealings in this situation that will never come out, and we may never know the 'true' reason why Hamilton is on the NHL's Black List of Cities.

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