Comment 34932

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted October 24, 2009 at 10:19:07

You know, there's a restaurant/bar at the end of our street here in the Delta, just east of Gage Park, very much a neighbourhood kind of place. It was there when we moved in, and it's presence never gave us pause when we put our offer in on the house where we live now. It's a family run business. By all appearances, it's actually a pretty sedate establishment.

I'll be honest, we've never been to it, but when we pop out after the kids go to bed (aside: it's so nice once the oldest kids are teenagers and can spontaneously babysit, isn't it?), it's usually for a relaxing coffee, rather than a beer- for budgetary reasons.

Heard from a student teacher of my husband's a while back that this bar is actually one of the places where Brock Fac Ed(further up the road on King St)students like to hang out for a beer after class.

I'd rather have that at the end of our street than an East Side Mario's. Just sayin'.

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