Comment 34918

By Really? (registered) | Posted October 23, 2009 at 13:44:47

Oh Diva... More and More mudslinging, for what!? Because you don't like hearing the truth? I'm sorry your community got screwed by cheap, lazy, lackluster developments and you're buying into the 'Something is better than Nothing' aproach. I'm also sorry you feel you have to insult me(?!) for my views.

" Get involved during the process rather then complaining after the fact "

How do you know I wasn't? I may not have attended community 'meetings' about the Mall, since everyone was promised a Pedestrian-Friendly Shopping Centre with Transit Connections (rumoured to be GO and/or VIA --yet there isn't even a HSR Hub here), a 'Destination Store', which to date still doesn't exist, as well as QUALITY DEVELOPMENT, not fake stucco covering styrofoam.

I was involved in discussions with my councillor (since a certain Ward 4 Councillor isn't up for hearing differeing opinions than his, and if you present them you're labeled a anti-'Whatever'), as well as expressing my opinions with the development company involved. I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one oposing this design, as after a while they said they would add a Streetwall element to the project due to 'public concern' --as we know now, that streetwall was nothing more than a wall along the street... literally!

So how dare you judge me for wanted something better for You, for Your Community and for Hamilton as a whole!

ps: I don't know who you think I'm trying to drag down? I'm simply pointing out that your community got screwed. And being someone with ties to this area, I feel like I got screwed too. I was very excited to get something like those Shopping Centres in Montreal & Toronto, but instead We got an Upper James Big Box Plaza... Shame Shame Shame!

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