Comment 34868

By Really? (registered) | Posted October 18, 2009 at 14:28:35

Another example:

Don Mills Ctr, Toronto:

Not the best example, but again, miles ahead of what the East End got! Note: The Satelite image as this was a mall surrounded by parking much like Centre Mall.

Why don't Hamilton Politicians (Merulla) think their constituents are worthy of good/proper developments? Something like this --or the Montreal example-- would have not only raised assessments/housing prices in the East End, it would have made Barton Street a safer, more enjoyable street that doesn't always have to be made fun of!

The Centre on Barton = F A I L !

Don't let your Councilor get away with telling you that You Deserve Mediocrity! East Enders, along with the rest of Hamiltonians, deserve QUALITY!

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