Comment 34859

By Mahesh P. Butani -- http://www.metroHami (anonymous) | Posted October 17, 2009 at 16:05:56

>>> Really?: “Main Reason: RAPID Transit; Main St is more straight, therefor the trains can travel much quicker…”

>>> Undustrial: “But my true concern is still, and will always be, the 'RAPID aspect” - "It may look nicer for a sleek, low-riding, modern train... ...but it's not the best, most efficient way of getting from one end of the City to the Other, which is *The Main Reason for Light Rail RAPID Transit*”

I really do think our city indeed cries out for a - sleek, low-riding, (gently moving) modern train (trams) to move down winding(straight) roads, connected to gorgeous urban squares (and tree-lined boulevards) –-- and definitely not for thundering light-locomotives, hurtling down reclaimed inner-city highways to get to the other end, only to speed back to the other side with a bigger and richer payload!!

Here is a plausible scenario from the future if the 'RAPID aspect' indeed plays out :-))

>>>> Memo from ABC MetroConsultant to City - January 01, 2015:
The LRT on Main and King is RAPID-ly thriving now.
As you are aware, we are constantly looking at ways to cut costs and increase our efficiencies. The many stops on the route are now seriously cramping our network performance – In this regards, we are asking you to kindly shut down four major roads intersecting our rail lines in the core – as these crossings are hampering our network from reaching optimal speeds. Also, as our attached ‘time-speed ROI analyst’ report clearly shows, we will be accruing a 40 percent revenue increase if we are able to increase our speed by a mere 20 kms/hour. The synchronized traffic lights just does not seem to solve our problems, and so we are informing you that the LRT stops at Gage and Gore will be removed shortly before Christmas - as it is seriously slowing down our growth. It was after all meant to be a RAPID system. Our consultant also suggests that in case we experience a drop in rider traffic on account of this, we can easily switch to moving goods instead of passengers on the east-west corridor, which will in fact increase our revenues - as by then the system will be completely independent of any reality, and we could at will push the speed limits to almost 120kms/hour and make it the Rapidest of all Rapid inner-city system in the world. We hope you share our vision and enthusiasm in continuing to serve our loyal riders better through our innovations every year. <<<<

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