Comment 34767

By Really? (registered) | Posted October 13, 2009 at 16:37:57

Thanks, Lukev!

Well it's VERY important that suburbs, no matter how 'Big Box Country' they are, be included into Hamilton's Light Rail Network. They need a fast, reliable alternate to a Personal Vehicle or there's no point at all.

I imagine the future Meadowlands as a Don Mills Ctr-type development with office & residential mixed with a good Public Transit Node, which Meadowlands is already (Connections to the 5, 16, 41 & 43, and SHOULD also incl. the 44 Rymal).

I see the future Network similar to the TTC's, whereas Bus Routes are fed into a Terminal Node such as an LRT Stn with several Bus Routes. ie: Islington Stn (aka Islington Centre) in Etobicoke. Personally I enjoy open-air terminals over the enclosed TTC-style terminals, but that's still years and years away from even being thought about!

The Current HSR Bus Network isn't too bad at all; infact I think it works very well! Just increase service frequency, and ensure each route connects to an LRT Station along it's route!

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