Comment 34751

By Really? (registered) | Posted October 13, 2009 at 12:54:03

My Vote goes to Main Street, both directions.

*Main Reason: RAPID Transit; Main St is more straight, therefor the trains can travel much quicker (and at the same time, would end up being cheaper as less rail kms are needed). Also, the point raised about having it swicth between Main & King in different parts of the City will not only slow the system down, but will add confusion as to where Stations may be located ("Is the Stn at Main or King in this area?")

LRT on Main, while converting both Main & King to two-way would also equalize General Purpose Lanes as Meredith pointed out. This is a Win-Win for Drivers & Tranit Riders/Pedestrians. A Two-Way King St = A Slower King St, which would attract development as well. Not to mention the obvious spillover from Main St, which really isn't that far from King at all *ESPECIALLY @ Gore Park. A City-wide King St designed like how it is in the Int'l Village would help spur development. "A 5min walk to LRT Stations!"

*Main Street is oozing with empty lots, City-wide, that would benefit from LRT. King St already has a great streetwall, so rather than tearing down the current streetwall to build Condos, Offices, etc; leave the King St Retail-oriented Stock of Buildings intact, and allow the LRT Benefits to migrate to King (people closer to King than Main are still going to have to cross or walk along King to get to Main, which means there is still a heavy-enough Pedestrian presence to fill King St stores.

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