Comment 34739

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted October 12, 2009 at 18:02:06

Brandon >> The next question is do you really think it could be cost effective?

I find it interesting that you are concerned about whether toll roads would be cost effective. If you are being sincere, then I guess you are equally concerned that the HSR requires $42 million in subsidies, is that correct?

>> The other alternative is to build the LRT which has been proven to generate billions of dollars in private investment.

If that's the case, then it shouldn't require taxpayer money? If people are going to make money from having the LRT in Hamilton, let them raise private funds to build it.

Jason >> Talks about the virtues of private investment, yet staunchly opposes basic infrastructure development such as LRT that is a private investment magnet.

If the government doesn't invest in LRT, will private investors take their place? If not, why not?

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