Comment 34590

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2009 at 09:39:34

The big difference between Hamilton and Burlington is that the people of Burlington are net contributors to government coffers, while Hamilton is a net recipient of government coffers.

When Hamilton used to be a prosperous city, we too paid more in taxes than we received in handouts, because that's what all great cities do. Until we stop accepting money that we haven't worked for, we will not be rewarded with the fruits that come from hard work.

Highwater >> That's it in a nutshell, I'm afraid. It's the lack of jobs plain and simple

As soon as we change our mindset from that of a poor person to that of a rich person, Hamilton will start getting more and better paying jobs. Rich people don't tend to rely on handouts, whereas poor people do. As long as Hamilton models the behaviour of the poor, we will attract poverty into our lives.

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