Comment 34386

By hunter (anonymous) | Posted October 02, 2009 at 12:39:39

I'm amazed this bid got as far as it did. But the longer it went on the worse the NHL looked and the more sympathy and interest Hamilton got. Eventually columnists from all over North America were writing on Hamilton's behalf. The Toronto Star called out MLSE this morning.

The old boys club is the most impenetrable type of power organization there is. That's why so many orgs use it.

In any case we owe JB a lot of thanks. Hopefully he's blazed a trail that will lead to a team for us. What we have to watch out for are other GTHA bids. Obviously an expansion team in Vaughn or wherever would destroy our chances.

In the meantime let's support the Ti-Cats (home games on Thanksgiving Day and Halloween) and Bulldogs and hope for success with our Pan-Am bid.


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