Comment 34326

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted October 01, 2009 at 13:37:21

stuartburt71 raises a good point, why not allow the user to set a value at which the fading out begins, rather than the arbitrary value of -2. That is, assuming you even decide to keep this colouring scheme idea since it appears to be getting heavily abused in this very discussion.

Perhaps it would be better to remove the text colouring and focus more on implementing threaded commenting. Maybe start a blog post where we as a community can discuss how we want it to work. (In terms of how tangential threads are to be separated or merged with the main conversation, and how to prevent a conversation from branching off to the point where it gets unwieldy to navigate for example.) Once we have a general framework I'm sure the programmers on the board (including myself) will be more than happy to lend a hand with implementation.

We also as a group need to stop the knee-jerk downvoting against users like A Smith and Capitalist. Often times they make a valid, albeit unpopular point that is well within the rules but they still get downvoted. Whereas others with more left leaning views will make a blatantly off topic or insulting post without getting a single downvote. Some of us apparently need a reminder that the voting isn't about whether or not we agree with what's being said but rather how it is presented.

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