Comment 34239

By synxer (registered) | Posted September 29, 2009 at 17:03:53

I think its fine, but the problem with the scoring system is that people are labeled (A Smith, Capitalist) as problem-visitors based on their poor taste in words on previous comments.

Later, when the ilk mentioned above do make a comment that is relatively sane and perhaps even thought-provoking, they get auto-heat from some members.

It almost seems, perhaps not true, that some visitors are auto downvoting people if they see the dreaded minus sign under another visitor's comment. A small issue. Perhaps there is a web/human 2.0 social experiment in figuring that out. I would like it if the comments were rated on their tact, not if you have a different take on the subject matter.

Ryan, to continue what I was saying before regarding article submission:

I would like to see a feature where if your comment had tremendous merit and relevance the comment would have an option to transition to a blog entry. Adrian Duyzer essentially did this with the Connaught Debate (See

The ideology of this approach would be that respected users would not only benefit in comment voting, but their respected position at RTH would allow their opinion to be expanded and debated just as other articles on RTH are.

This isn't a relatively wild idea, but with some brainstorming from other members I am sure some sort of mechanism could be put in place that allows more contribution to the site.

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