Comment 34216

By Joseph (anonymous) | Posted September 29, 2009 at 03:52:00

This is the absolute truth. In fact, the only real hope is that the people assert their authority by assembling an Article V convention, and then having some clear, unambiguous amendments proposed. We all know that these would almost certainly narrow the power of Congress; and this is precisely why this method must be utilized-- Congress will not limit its own power. I'm not talking about anything too drastic: no unfunded mandates, no "change your state laws or be denied federal funding", resign-to-run laws, and punishment (with teeth) for receiving lobbyist's money or gifts.

These things the Congress will not do on its own. Each issue is so egregious that it is a slap in the face to Americans, yet the Congress is so far removed from the citizenry that they are blind to it. So, in short, yes, this must be done, and an Article V convention is the only real way to accomplish it.

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