Comment 33798

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted September 17, 2009 at 12:14:09

I agree with your point Adrian. I've never felt threatened or unsafe downtown, and some of those "poor losers" are much more friendly and helpful than the citizens in Ancaster who are liable to run you over if you get between them and their morning Latte.

I agree with you that legitimate reasons are getting confused with more biased derision against the poor.

There is nothing wrong with the working poor. There may be something wrong with concentrating the working poor in one location of the city. We see it in the challenges that the schools in the Barton St. East neighbourhood face, we see it in US cities and their inner city schools and neighbourhoods. Not only is it not good for the neighbourhood, but it's not good for the people themselves, especially the children, to be concentrated in such low income neighbourhoods.

There should not be barriers and divisions in neighbourhoods separating the "wealthy" from the "poor". The most livable cities, in my opinion, are those that provide for a vibrant community that is diverse in every sense of the word: Income, race, age, nationality, etc.

It can happen in Hamilton. One only has to look at the art crawls on James St. North and the wide variety of people in attendance to know what a truly diverse and integrated city can look like!

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