Comment 33783

By jason (registered) | Posted September 17, 2009 at 10:44:44

he's "embarrassed" urban living??? LOL. gotta love the inability to edit comments on here eh?

I'd like to see the ragtag group of kids you went to school with if you won the 'most Christlike attitude award' WOW!! LOL

I'm sure everyone agrees with me that we totally appreciate guys like you Reg. Putting your money where your mouth is take a lot of guts in this city. It's easy for those of us who live on the periphery of downtown to hang around downtown here and there and then head back to the quiet retreat of Strathcona or the SW. You're in middle of it all, in 'the belly of the beast' as another downtown dwelling friend of mine says, and we are grateful for guys like you trying to make a difference.


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