Comment 33770

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted September 17, 2009 at 08:17:34

beaslyfireworkstechnican, I'm curious where you got the data for the housing locations. Was it the pdf that I mentioned in this post?

If so kudos to you, thats a lot of data that needed to be entered by hand. (If I hadn't been at work I might have given it a shot.)

JonC wrote:

"As I had mentioned previously, I have no context for Reg, so maybe he's hilarious, and I missed a big meta joke, but to me, he comes off despising the people that live around him and can't wait for the day the inane, the insane, the skanks and the losers are gone, which apparently is all but him and a few other special people."

I read the very same thing and thought he was just being a sarcastic wise-ass by using the same labels that outsiders would use. If he was being serious however that is unacceptable as this debate isn't about the people, but rather the policy. But I suppose that's the danger inherent in online debates which lack the non-verbal cues we all rely on for effective communication.

Aside from a few comments I was impressed with the level of civility in the posts this issue generated.

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