Comment 33630

By Brioski8 (registered) | Posted September 16, 2009 at 09:33:35

You forgot to mention the classic case of double speak that occurs in the first part of the Thompson Article. Observe:

"It seems like suicide for a cyclist to hang on to the side of a moving car while it is travelling down the street."

Anecdote of an extremely rare and dangerous maneuver performed by an extremely small number of cyclyst. Assigning blame to all cyclists for the stupidity of a very small few.

"It seems silly to weave in and out of moving traffic to advance your agenda or run a stop light to do the same."

More broad paint brush strokes of blame.

"Yet, when a bicyclist is injured or killed, even by his or her own negligence, it is most often the driver of the car that is chastised."

Assigning more blame to all cyclists. Again.


"Of course, there are lots of examples of bad behaviour on the part of both drivers and cyclists. I'm not trying to lay blame here."

Wait.... What? You just spent the previous paragraphs laying all kinds of blame squarly on the shoulders of all cyclists using anecdotes of the bad behavior of the few. It's bizare, he wrote the words but he didn't even notice he was doing it.

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