Comment 33582

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted September 15, 2009 at 19:23:24

Highwater writes: A revitalized downtown = increased tax base = increased resources for social services. Comprende?

No, that is not necessarily true is it, when it is provincial legislation that has caused many of the problems we see today. Policies that include workfare, inadequate amounts to live on, cut off services at a blink of an eye, the horrible treatment people receive from the social workers. People cannot afford to buy food, thus left with the throw away rotten food from some of people in the city, stuff the years old.

Even if you get your high classy shops, how many of them will pay minimum wage, with no benefits, no pensions. How many of them exploit workers in other countries and you expect them not to exploit people here?

How many of you howl to high heaven. when workers in minimum wage jobs try to organize to get better wages, benefits and pensions. The increase in the temp industries whohave stepped on wrokers rights across the board.

So when the time comes to change legislation to get liveable amounts of social assistance or living wages, benenfits, pensions, I wonder where all you people will stand on these issues?

Of course there never is no investigation into the social agencies and what they or how they treat people.

Someone wrote put them down by eastgate, well guess what, there are a number of buildings down there owned by a slumlord. I have a family member who lives down there, who lost their job due to occupational disease. You know you have no idea what people have to go through to get repairs down, screens on the windows and balconcy doors for the young children. They had a toilet that would not flush for months and bathroom ceiling that was about to cave in. Gee I wonder how that would of read in papers, baby squashed and injuried. Of course, then CAS would called in and the parents would of be demonized and not the scumlord.

While anyways, your words here are marked in stone so to speak, I wonder how many of you will actually put your money where you mouth is to actually change the policies to make live better for those that struggle or will just simply continue on with the name calling with the words bums, lowlives, lazy.

Of course the poor are blamed when it those who have the money that have caused the problems, nothing will change ever. What I am reading here upsets me in many ways because for the most part none of you are really thinking before your speaking.

There will never be fairness, equality or justice.

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