Comment 33502

By Really? (registered) | Posted September 14, 2009 at 17:03:28

"Can you imagine the city council's of Toronto, London (ont), Montreal, or any other city even considering something like this? They would fight tooth and nail to ensure that this property is returned back to its former glory!"

Actually... London (ON) has plans to introduce high-end rentals in it's East Downtown (I believe along Dundas St East) to try and even out the percentage of low-income residents with these high-income residents.

London (ON) has also built several high-end rentals in their core, a couple around the JLC, and I believe in the north-downtown area as well. They're not spectacular architectural landmarks, but at least they're bringing a more diverse population to London's Downtown.

Hell, Downtown London ON (smaller than ours) has more fast-food chains than ours! How pathetic is it when our Core can't even support what is supposed to be 'affordable meal options'!?

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