Comment 33469

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted September 14, 2009 at 15:01:42

"I'm thinking of the usual suspects - H&M, American Apparel, Mexx, GAP, etc. - but even Winners would be a great addition to the downtown area."

These would be great additions, however, these stores are not located downtown because the people residing in the core are low income. As a result we have dollar stores, Salvation Army discount, and Hart. This RCH development into subsidized housing is the exact opposite of what downtown needs.

I don't beleive any of these "ifs" at all. The developers are just putting them there to fool council.

I have a feeling that if this project gets approved the whole building is going to go assisted living. Many people will not want to rent or buy in a building that also has assisted housing units (I know I wouldn't). When faced with low demand for market prced units the building will be forced to go entirely welfare.

Hamilton is being conned once again on this one.

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