Comment 33382

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted September 11, 2009 at 14:48:59

Thre is nothing stopping the middle or high income folks from coming downtown. There are lots of galleries, restaurants, bars, music events and so on.

"it's an unfriendly place that reflects poverty, and when people are getting an education focused on a job, they want to distance themselves from a poor environment."

Statements like this, truly reflect what is wrong with people attitudes. This statement creates more fear, which is what we do not want.

Anyways, why is there no scrutiny on social services that do not help people to lift themselves out of poverty. The problem is that the voices of those that struggle need to be heard, many who work in this industry treat those using the services like they are dirt. Of but they are middle class people right, who are educated!

The cycle continues.

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