Comment 33249

By Tufan Özge (anonymous) | Posted September 05, 2009 at 12:44:30

The US-Petrodollarsystem will collapse,because the national members of the OPEC will decide,that all Trade of Petroleum Related Products like Oil and also Gas will be traded in Euros and in NEW EUROS OF THE NEW WARSAW PACT.It is absolute neccessary to let collapse the US-Petrodollarsystem to maintain political and economically Stability in the Middle East and around the world.
All the nations of Asia will support the strategic efforts of Iran in the case for the abdondonment of the US-Petrodollarsystem in the favour of the Petroleum Trade in the old Euro and NEW-EURO SYSTEM.There is the possibility that the USA could react aggressive in the wake of this event and the USA could make other related accusations with the help of the US-Propaganda Media,but the USA should be reminded that a Military Conflict with Iran will result in the involvement of all asian nations,like the nations of the SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGANIZATION (SCO)and other asian nations.There will be a additional GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY IN ASIA and this will be the ACOM CURRENCY OF ASIA and not only in Asia there will be a GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY,there will be also GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCIES for other continental Organizations like the UNASUR=LATINO or SUCRE CURRENCY,the AFRICAN UNION=AFRICOM CURRENCY,the GOLF COOPERATION COUNCIL (GCC)=GOLD DINAR CURRENCY,the NEW EUROPEAN UNION=EURO CURRENCY OF THE NEW WARSAW PACT.
We will trade with each other continental Organization and we will exchange our national products and our national services without exchanging the US-Bully Currency.
The President of the Russian Federation Mr.Medvedev made the announcement more then
once in the past in the case for the introduction of the NEW GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY
of the ACOM CURRENCY on the WORLD STAGE and this will be the beginning for the Cooperation with other Continental Organizations like the UNASUR=LATIN or SUCRE CURRENCY,the AFRICAN UNION=AFRICOM CURRENCY,the GOLF COOPERATION COUNCIL (GCC)=

The Victory will be ours forever!
Tufan Özge

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