Comment 33092

By Really? (registered) | Posted August 31, 2009 at 11:48:07

Actually, Jason, Downtown Toronto was littered with emptied out lots/pkng lots up until the 80's. Google Toronto's photo archives, and you'll see how it may remind you a little of Wilson/John. It was progressive urban planning over the last couple of decades that has helped shape Toronto into what it is today.

The reason we don't have all the amenities we need (grocery stores, chain retail/retaurants, etc) downtown is b/c the companies don't see Downtown, or Hamilton in general, as a market.

How does one solve this?

Email your favourite grocery chain/retail store/chain restaurant and tell them you want them in your neighbourhood. Encourage EcDev to lobby these same retailers as well. Power is in numbers, and if Sobeys gets enough pressure from area residents and local politicians/City's Economic Dvlpmnt people, then they will have no choice but to open up shop. Maybe not in Recession'09, but perhaps during Recovery'10.

Also, 'Chains' attract outsiders into neighbourhoods as they're familiar. 'Hood Shops --although awesome, imo-- don't always attract people to areas. Someone may just choose to live Downtown BECAUSE there's a Starbucks rather than CoffeeTime... ya know!?

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