Comment 33041

By MelvinA (registered) - website | Posted August 26, 2009 at 01:55:36

Internet nowadays is really helpful in terms of disseminating wide variety of news and educational facts. Of course there are times that Internets are used for deceitful acts in creating articles that are disturbing and unethical reviews. But I believe that the only problem is us, the users, who abusing the power of free will to do things that are not acceptable in this society. We tend to abuse the advantages of these technologies and other things that give us some easiness to live. Knowledge is acquire and should be distributed or pass to people who truly deserves it. Ephren Taylor, a successful entrepreneur once said, in order for us to attain our goals in life and achieve what we truly deserve is through constant persistent and reading things as well as apply it in real life. Well, maybe the old-traditional way of acquiring knowledge isn't practice nowadays. Internets might be the more innovative way to learn but still experiencing good or bad things are the best lesson we can depend on.

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