Comment 33015

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted August 24, 2009 at 17:17:50

Dundas Square is still evolving as a Public Square. Many people said they hated when it went in. Others found there was nothing to do when they got there. The idea of it being a place to just 'hang out' never took off because, well, it's not really a good place to just hang out.

I was one of those who hated it (too many TVs not enough trees) but it appears to be weaving it's way into the fabric of the city now, and for the better. Once they shut off the cars for good - probably a few years away - it should improve even more.

Gore Park has always been a no-brainer as a public space. It will evolve in a different way though. How to deal with all those 'undesirables'? How to get more folks to come downtown. What attractions to put in place. None of this can be done all at once. The park will need to evolve. Hopefully the first steps will be taken soon to make this a people's plaza.

My own vision for Gore is something closer to a European Plaza - this would be quite unique, at least outside of Montreal. The European architecture would nicely compliment rows and rows of outdoor patios, aproned waiters running around with not a car in sight. This in turn would spur revitilazation of other downtown assets like condo development etc.

Other towns would kill for a gem like Gore Park Plaza.



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