Comment 32975

By beluga2 (anonymous) | Posted August 21, 2009 at 08:12:03

A simple comment rather than a critic is what I would like to do about Ramon Serrano's art which can be seeing at Corkin Gallery last Summer exhibition. Hard , I had to admit it, because this is an art that I love to much in order to be far enough for producing critics ideas on that matter. I guess the art made by Serrano, I assume it as the develop of a single idea, like a noble where every new show is a chapter of this noble and every single art work is the portrait of a character, not invented by Serrano but took it from the reality in the figure of architectures, therefore, fallowing the last three exhibitions we can find a hue laying features of the utopia, what I really want to observe here is the fact of the titles, we can see in the current group exhibition at Corkin Gallery two paintings of this artist and to my understanding there is a little mistake on the titles, the facts is that those art works are named as Havana Mirage rather than Havana from 50th- 2000, I notice that because the artist him self mentioned as the last one which is mean that these particulars painting are talking about the frozen featured Havana cityscape and beyond that about the frozen ideas in Cuba Communist system in the period among 50th-2000, that's all I can reach so far from the sophisticated metaphors of this artist

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