Comment 32820

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted August 15, 2009 at 17:23:29

If LRT is such a great idea, why doesn't the private sector build it? The HSR began as a private business, so if there is money to be made, it will get built. Therefore, rather than plow more taxpayers money into wealth destroying activites (current HSR), we should cut tax rates and let the market decide if mass transit is a good idea or not. If it is a viable business idea, it WILL get built.

Businesses that produce value to society can charge more than what it costs to operate them. In contrast, public transit needs to charge LESS than the true costs of operation, because it can't produce value. The current HSR needs to be subsidized by taxpayers, otherwise it will run out of money.

How does giving investment dollars to business which can't produce profits make Hamilton wealthier?

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