Comment 32748

By Really? (registered) | Posted August 11, 2009 at 17:28:32

^^ I know, I know... I've used that Argument, too, Jason -- and it usually shuts them up; But doesn't convince them.

I think We need a 'Two-Way Reversion Advocacy Group' in this City!!!!

Do you think the City would have taken Light Rail so seriously without the help of groups like, and the endless emails/calls from Urban Forum Contributors (ie,,, etc)?!

Keep in Mind: Power is in Numbers! Right now, it's probably 15% For; 85% Agains (two-way reversion) simply b/c Drivers are more vocal AT THIS POINT!

Let's change that and make the Pedestrians/Cyclists/Urban Dwellers voices LOUDER than honking horns and ignorant screams from Drivers.

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