Comment 32451

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted July 21, 2009 at 08:30:45

The next blueprint for Hamilton: Those who are marginalized are to be left in the streets.

I received a phone call last night and it seems that not one person, not one agency, not one leader has step forward to help a family that is now homeless. This family has been trying for a couple of months now to get help and there has been no one.

I am ashamed of our community that has many workers within the system, social workers, shelters, foodbanks, legal clinics, our polictical leaders whom have done nothing to help them.

Are they to lose everything they have? Are they to starve in the streets?

The only advice of a welfare worker is get rid of your family pets, and our motto is the best place to raise a family? How is this community helping them? I do not see that.

We live in one sad, sick, deprived society. Shame on you all!

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