Comment 32349

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted July 09, 2009 at 07:43:42

Meredith wrote:

Even the amount of clothing that we "need" is ridiculous. I remember well how my grandmother had one good dress and two everyday dresses, and that was all she needed. I have a relatively small wardrobe, but even that is many multiples of what she had.... and how much of that is truly necessary, even taking situational appropriateness into account?

I know exactly what you mean, my girlfriend and I are preparing for a move at the end of the month, and going through all our stuff has been such an eyeopener. I thought I kept a fairly small wardrobe as well, but the amount of stuff in my closet that I haven't worn in ages was staggering. (It doesn't help that my family seems to be genetically predisposed to being pack-rats.) On the up side though its quite freeing to simplify things, not to mention the added bonus of the bounty of goods going to the local goodwill.

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