Comment 32325

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted July 07, 2009 at 15:15:48

Jason, do you still believe it's the developers who are promoting sprawl. In this case, it's clear the developers are not happy about having to sell less units, only the established residents of the neighbourhood. Therefore, when you talk about limiting sprawl, perhaps you should champion the rights of private property owners, rather than celebrate the ability of government to interfere in their plans.

Developers want $$$, in order to do this they need lots of home buyers, therefore it's in their vested interest to make developments as dense as possible. That's what needs to be understood in Hamilton, business/profits are a net positive to the wealth of this city. Government, which has as it's only ability, the power to get in the way of buyers and sellers, destroys wealth creating economic transactions. Less government = more wealth creating economic transactions = happier, richer population.

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