Comment 32284

By twofjeff (anonymous) | Posted July 04, 2009 at 19:14:56

I think Mikeonthemountain is right "Bollards or a curb between the road and bike lane may have saved the cyclist on York"
Does the city of Hamilton need more bike lanes? Of course, but it is just as important how the bike lanes themselves are constructed. On busy roads a white painted line isn't enough to create any real saftey. Concrete barriers like the ones on king street crossing over the 403 or even a small median between the car lanes and the bike lane work well as evidenced in amsterdam. In bogata Columbia on streets which have on street parking the bike lanes are placed between the sidewalk and the parked cars whereby the parked cars create a barrier between automobile traffic and bike traffic. I think the incident on york boulevard clearly illustrates the need for a clearer seperation between bikes and automobiles especially on busy streets.

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