Comment 32231

By jason (registered) | Posted July 01, 2009 at 08:14:45

I realize that. My point is simply that it is possible to build a 500+ unit downtown. I don't understand why we have a maximum cap on units that a project can hold. Not that we're in danger of anyone building anything remotely close to this anytime soon, but still, this is a plan for the future, so let's plan for the future as a real city (urban area).

Boston might be a better example. 3/4 of the city is built on Boston Harbour.

What this plan doesn't do, that it should, is have a MINIMUM building height downtown. The downtown secondary plan calls for a minimum of 2 stories, but upon further digging at city hall, it's only a minimum height in feet.
So, a big boxer could come along and build a building that is a huge one storey box and meet the minimum height standards. We need a minimum of 3 actual stories downtown.

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