Comment 32181

By Balance (anonymous) | Posted June 28, 2009 at 23:19:25

I'm sure I'll receive many down votes for this but here goes.

I believe we are fortunate to have an International Airport in Hamilton, especially such a successfull one. Every night I hear the jets taking off and I think of the jobs created and the taxes paid. I've used the airport many times for personal travel and shipping of packages. What an asset to the community, many other communities would kill for such an investment.

According to Mr. Desnoyers tax payers have spent $30 million with a profit share of $600,000. What he neglected to mention is all the investment that Tradeport has undertaken and all the new property taxes and jobs they have created. Also, look at all the investment that will take place with the City's land purchases, a fuel farm, runway expansion, hangers, flight kitchen etc. Taxpayers spend $6 million on land and get $10's of millions in investment at no cost plus the additional tax revenues from it. Sign me up, if I could purchase land and have someone improve it for me and then turn it over to me after a period of time, pay more taxes to me and a profit share, I'd be thanking them.

I'm not sure where some of the other bloggers get their information from but I've personally heard of some get jobs at the airport. I've heard of an 18 year old highschooler making $20 an hour with benefits working for one of the couriers.

Mr. Desnoyers, put your money where your mouth is, move your business to one of Hamilton's vast brownfields (that you claim we have an abundance of) or better yet, run for mayor in the next municipal election which happens to be next year (2010). If you are a true Hamiltonian for Progressive Development and have the pulse of the community then you shouldn't have a problem winning the election.

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