Comment 32049

By JonC (registered) | Posted June 24, 2009 at 11:41:56

I'm not a huge May fan either, although I am curious enough to find some reviews of her book now, but she hit on some key issues in the interview.

For FPtP vs MMP voting, we had a vote in Ontario, which kept the status quo, but upon reading the wording of the question, I immediately wrote a letter to Elections Ontario. The wording of the referendum question was:

Which electoral system should Ontario use to elect members to the provincial legislature? * The existing electoral system (First-Past-the-Post) * The alternative electoral system proposed by the Citizens' Assembly (Mixed Member Proportional)

My issue with it being framing the existing versus the unknown, which is a huge problem when 47% of people surveyed have no idea what you are talking about and only 12% know what you mean.

Elizabeth May states that 84% of Canadians have no interest in affiliating themselves with a party (myself included), but I wonder if that would change under MMP.

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