Comment 31933

By hgreenwood (registered) | Posted June 19, 2009 at 15:25:19

Being no longer a Hamilton resident I will refrain from voting, however I do have a comment. I recall the times when the the members of City Council reflected the culture of Hamilton, a city with a strong Union base where the dignity of its citizens provided its strength, Dofasco even used the term in their advertising blurbs. WAL-MART violates every principle of human dignity by its presence in any community. It has the most unfair labour practices of any enterprise in the world, it cheats on government regulations and it contributes to the impoverishment of people and in the communities where they tend to exploit. Its big boxes are a scab on the lanscape, developmentaly, politically and socially and morally and even the most inept City government should be discussing those deficiencis before allowing them into the neigbourhood. Where is the spirit of the sixties which sent Mel Lastman and his Bad Boy Store running with his tail between his legs. I can't vote but I sure hope I can influence one and hope for a big NO to WAL-MART.

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