Comment 31823

By z jones (registered) | Posted June 17, 2009 at 13:34:24

Logical comment: after a nice breath of fresh air during which people could actually have a polite discussion on RTH you've suddenly returned to spam the board with your one-note obsessive fixation on tax rates as the cure for every problem in the city even though there are no cities anywhere on earth that have become prosperous by cutting their tax rates to the bone, eliminating all public services and privatizing their essential infrastructure (but a lot of poor, oppressive, horrible places to live that have done this).

Now do us all a favour and go back where you came from. Your commentary is irrelevant and disruptive and insulting and nobody else cares about what you think, since you obviously don't care about what anyone else thinks. Better yet go start your own Hamilton blog and promote your low tax libertardian haven until your fingers fall off. In the meantime people who care about reality are trying to have a conversation.

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