Comment 31809

By H Magazine (registered) | Posted June 17, 2009 at 11:23:58

Hamilton the same. Hamilton the ugly. Hamilton the uninspiring. Hamilton the boorish relative who just doesn't get it. Hamilton the blind.

Regardless of how many creative catalyst, downtown renewal or bike lane surveys and open houses they do - those positive developments will never be able to transform our city if council continues to support big box style developments on the fringes.

Wouldn't it be amazing if Winona decided it wanted a true town centre with shops, tourism activities and real local initiatives. Perhaps a Farmers' Market or something to welcome visitors to the wine region of Niagara?

Really how far is it to drive from Winona to the new Great Canadian Superstore in Grimsby to get those essentials that these people say they need close by?

This is very short sighted thinking and the history books will be telling in twenty years time just as we saw the modernization in our core stunt this city's progress 40 years ago...

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