Comment 31745

By Really? (registered) | Posted June 13, 2009 at 14:42:40

Not only is Main Street an ultra-wide expressway currently, but it's also the most direct east-west route across the City. I don't know why it's not really an option at this point?

I have gone back and forth, from one train on either street to both trains on Main to both trains on King... now I'm back to both trains on Main!

I believe that a two-way conversion of both King & Main will help both streets regardless of LRT or not (LRT would be the bonus... but in OUR case, two-way conversion is the bonus).

If there happens to be a loss of parking along Main in certain areas (Gage Park area maybe?) then why not utilize the same 'Side Street Pkng Lot' solution that was suggested for the King St option!?! These lots are popular along Bloor St West in Toronto, especially in the Kingsway neighbourhood (Bloor & Royal York'ish).

A full 4 lanes of East-West TWO WAY traffic along King will slow the pace dramatically enough to have the same effects of an LRT running along the street, while at the same time NOT scaring off potential drivers/shoppers by offering only a Single Lane for use. (this will also help keep organized LRT-oposition low). People are going to have to walk the 5-mins from King to Main to catch the LRT, so it's going to help King either way... didn't someone say that One's transit trip always starts with a Walk?

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